Tuesday, April 2, 2013

[Kontroller]: A bit of intro!

Setting up this blog simply to share my works on embedded, robotics and vision. I try to play with these when I get a chance. Here's the list of the first few entries coming up:

Tomorrow, 3rd April:
     An LCD display for Raspberry Pi

Later this week:
     Raspberry Pi Weather station
     Wifi router/dongle for TV using Raspberry Pi
     Portable Wifi camera using Raspberry Pi

And, for next week:
     Wireless/Zigbee for PICs
     Wireless/Zigbee temperature monitor
     Zigbee for C#
     Zigbee for Raspberry Pi
     Internet connected PICs

Interesting enough for bookmarking the site? Thanks for your time!

Edited: April 7, 2013, the original intro was a bit boring :)

1 comment:

  1. I am really looking forward to this article:
    - Portable Wifi camera using Raspberry Pi

    I´d like to have some surviellance cameras displayed on the LCD attached to the PI.

